
europatent relies on IFI for high-quality patent data to support PATOffice. europatent offers patent profiling services and PATOffice®, a web-based software application. Together they combine europatent's in-house patent searching expertise with time-saving workflow automation.

Business Challenge

europatent needed to:

  • Provide more in-depth patent data
  • Include patent data from more countries

europatent’s concerns:
Having the time and technical expertise needed to acquire, parse, and format data into a standard format from a large number of patent information suppliers.

IFI Solution

europatent licensed our CLAIMS Direct global patent database and added it to their PATOffice application.

Benefits for europatent:

  • expanded their patent collection
  • saved time by avoiding the need to standardize and integrate multiple data sources
  • PATOffice clients now receive more complete and accurate search results


europatent develops IP profiles that are specific to each client's line of business. A continuous profile monitoring process keeps the information up to date. Results are delivered through PATOffice—europatent's web-based software application that enables clients to access their profiles and efficiently review them. Workflow tools enable the clients to share the review workload and results. europatent's unique Content Scoring System ranks patents to ensure that the most important records are reviewed first. By finding the most valuable results, the number of documents reviewed can be reduced by as much as 80%.

在与IFI CLAIMS合作之前,europatent提供的是德国专利商标局(DPMA)、欧洲专利局(EPO)和美国专利商标局(USPTO)的专利数据。europatent希望提供来自更多国家/地区的更专业的专利内容。europatent关切的是,从众多专利信息供应商处获取数据、将其解析并转化成标准格式所需的时间和技术专业知识,因此该公司寻求另一种方法来实现其目标。


europatent获得了CLAIMS Direct的全球专利数据库许可,将其添加到了PATOffice应用程序中。europatent选择的是具有转销选项的高级订阅级别,这样客户可以直接访问多种记录。

europatent获取许可这一决策基于许多因素,包括数据覆盖范围、对IFI技术的信心以及许可条款。借助CLAIMS Direct,europatent的专利记录数量获得了指数级增长,并且能够直接使用经过深度清理和标准化流程的数据 。

europatent与IFI技术人员协同合作,建立了一个服务器来托管CLAIMS Direct,为PATOffice提供专利数据。服务器被直接安装在europatent数据中心,最大程度地确保了隐私性,同时仍能接收自动更新。虽然初期有一些障碍需要克服,但现在这一配置已无缝运行。

