CLAIMS Direct Load Sources
Internal Load Source | Content Description | XML load-source Attribute |
AU-BIB | Bibliographic patent data for Australia | (patent-office) |
AU-FT | Patent data for Australia | (patent-office) |
AU-OFFICE | Patent data for Australia | (patent-office) |
AU-PHARMA | Pharmaceutical data for Australia | (patent-office) |
AU-REAS | Reassignment data for Australia | (patent-office) |
CIPO | Patent data for Canada | (patent-office) |
CN-BIB-EN | English bibliographic patent data for China | (patent-office) |
CN-BIB-ZH | Chinese bibliographic patent data for China | (patent-office) |
CN-FT-EN | English full text patent data for China | (patent-office) |
CN-FT-ZH | Chinese full text patent data for China | (patent-office) |
CN-KEY-EN | English keywords for China | (patent-office) |
CN-LS-EN | English legal status data for China | (patent-office) |
CN-PARTY-EN | English parties for China | (patent-office) |
CPC-ECLA-BF | CPC and ECLA classification data from the EPO's DOCDB product | (docdb) |
DOCDB | Data from the EPO's DOCDB product | (docdb) |
DOCDB-class | Classification data from the EPO's DOCDB product | (docdb) |
DPMA | Patent data for Germany | (patent-office) |
DPMA-SGML | Patent data for Germany | (patent-office) |
DPMA-XML | Patent data for Germany | (patent-office) |
EP | Patent data from the European Patent Office | (patent-office) |
EPO-AT | Patent data for Austria | (patent-office) |
EPO-BE | Patent data for Belgium | (patent-office) |
EPO-CH | Patent data for Switzerland | (patent-office) |
EPO-DK | Patent data for Denmark | (patent-office) |
EPO-FI | Patent data for Finland | (patent-office) |
EPO-GB | Patent data for the United Kingdom | (patent-office) |
EPO-LU | Patent data for Luxembourg | (patent-office) |
EPO-NL | Patent data for the Netherlands | (patent-office) |
FULL-RELOAD | Load source used to reload content to the database | (none) |
FV-ALL-DEL | Load source used to delete content from the database | (none) |
FV-ALL-REL | Load source used to reload content to the database | (none) |
FV-PLUS-DEL | Load source used to delete content from the database | (none) |
FV-PLUS-REL | Load source used to reload content to the database | (none) |
FV-PREM-DEL | Load source used to delete content from the database | (none) |
FV-PREM-REL | Load source used to reload content to the database | (none) |
FV-REKEY-REL | Load source used to load stub records for the EPO's JP rekey | (none) |
FV-STD-DEL | Load source used to delete content from the database | (none) |
FV-STD-REL | Load source used to reload content to the database | (none) |
GO-JAENG | English translations for Japanese records | (mxw-smt) |
GLTR-STD | English translations from Google's translation service | (google) |
GLTR-PLUS | English translations from Google's translation service | (google) |
GLTR-PREM | English translations from Google's translation service | (google) |
GR-IE | Patent data for Ireland | (patent-office) |
GR-IL | Patent data for Israel | (patent-office) |
GR-KOENG | English translations for Korean records | (mxw-smt) |
GR-MX | Patent data for Mexico | (patent-office) |
GR-NZ | Patent data for New Zealand | (patent-office) |
GR-PL | Patent data for Poland | (patent-office) |
GR-SE | Patent data for Sweden | (patent-office) |
GR-TH | Patent data for Thailand | (patent-office) |
IFI-BF | Load source used for updates to the | (none) |
IFI-CLAIMINF | Load source used for claim summary updates to the | (none) |
IFI-Cont | Load source used for updates to the | (none) |
IFI-MFE | Load source used for updates to the | (none) |
IFI-STUB | Load source used for updates to the | (none) |
IFI_title | IFI Expanded Titles provided for about 90% percent of the US patents in the chemical area, as well as some patents in the mechanical and electrical areas, available for US patents published between 1972 and April 2011 | (ifi) |
INDIA | Patent data for India | (patent-office) |
INPI-BIB | Bibliographic patent data for French records | (patent-office) |
INPI-FT | Patent data for France | (patent-office) |
IPCR | IPC classification updates from the EPO | (ipcr) |
JPO-FT | Patent data for Japan | (patent-office) |
JPO-SGML | Patent data for Japan | (patent-office) |
KIPI | Patent data for Korea | (patent-office) |
KIPI-ST96 | Patent data for Korea | (patent-office) |
LHSAP | Patent data for African Regional Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO) including English translations | (patent-office / mxw-smt) |
LHSAT | Patent data for Austria including English translations | (patent-office / mxw-smt) |
LHSAU | Patent data for Australia including English translations | (patent-office / mxw-smt) |
LHSBE | Patent data for Belgium including English translations | (patent-office / mxw-smt) |
LHSBG | Patent data for Bulgaria including English translations | (patent-office / mxw-smt) |
LHSBR | Patent data for Brazil including English translations | (patent-office / mxw-smt) |
LHSCH | Patent data for Switzerland including English translations | (patent-office / mxw-smt) |
LHSCS | Patent data for Czechoslovakia including English translations | (patent-office / mxw-smt) |
LHSCZ | Patent data for Czech Republic including English translations | (patent-office / mxw-smt) |
LHSDD | Patent data for German Democratic Republic including English translations | (patent-office / mxw-smt) |
LHSDK | Patent data for Denmark including English translations | (patent-office / mxw-smt) |
LHSEA | Patent data for Eurasian Patent Organization (EAPO) including English translations | (patent-office / mxw-smt) |
LHSFI | Patent data for Finland including English translations | (patent-office / mxw-smt) |
LHSFR | Patent data for France | (patent-office) |
LHSGB | Patent data for the United Kingdom | (patent-office) |
LHSHU | Patent data for Hungary including English translations | (patent-office / mxw-smt) |
LHSLT | Patent data for Lithuania including English translations | (patent-office / mxw-smt) |
LHSLU | Patent data for Luxembourg | (patent-office) |
LHSLV | Patent data for Latvia including English translations | (patent-office / mxw-smt) |
LHSNL | Patent data for the Netherlands | (patent-office) |
LHSOA | Patent data for African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI) including English translations | (patent-office / mxw-smt) |
LHSPT | Patent data for Portugal including English translations | (patent-office / mxw-smt) |
LHSRO | Patent data for Romania including English translations | (patent-office / mxw-smt) |
LHSRU-EN | English translations for Russian patents | (mxw-smt) |
LHSSI | Patent data for Slovenia including English translations | (patent-office / mxw-smt) |
LHSSK | Patent data for Slovakia including English translations | (patent-office / mxw-smt) |
LHSSU | Patent data for Soviet Union including English translations | (patent-office / mxw-smt) |
LHSTW | Patent data for Taiwan, Province of China, including English translations | (patent-office / mxw-smt) |
LS | Legal status data from the European Patent Office | (none) |
MCF | National classification updates from the USPTO | (mcf) |
MISC-RELOAD | Load source used to reload content to the database | (none) |
OEPM | Patent data for Spain | (patent-office) |
PAJ | English bibliographic data for Japanese records | (paj) |
PCTBIB | Bibliographic patent data from WIPO | (patent-office) |
PCTXML | Full text patent data from WIPO | (patent-office) |
PCTXML-E | Full text patent data from WIPO | (patent-office) |
PIPD-BR | Bibliographic patent data for Brazilian records | (patent-office) |
PIPD-BR-FT | Patent data for Brazil | (patent-office) |
RU-SGML | Patent data for Russia | (patent-office) |
RU-XML | Patent data for Russia | (patent-office) |
SMT-DEENG | English translations for German records | (mxw-smt) |
SMT-FRENG | English translations for French records | (mxw-smt) |
SMT-JAENG | English translations for Japanese records | (mxw-smt) |
SMT-ZHENG | English translations for Chinese records | (mxw-smt) |
TIPO-BIB | Bibliographic patent data for Taiwanese records | (patent-office) |
TIPO-FT | Patent data for Taiwan | (patent-office) |
US | Patent data for the United States | (patent-office) |
USPTO-ENT | Entity status data from the USPTO | (none) |
USPTO-OG | Official Gazette data from the USPTO | (none) |
USPTOW | Withdrawn United States patents | (none) |
USREAS | Reassignment data from the USPTO | (us-assign) |