Component Configuration and Requirements
- For remote installations which include both PostgreSQL and Solr, we recommend a minimum of two server machines.
- We highly recommend that you select the disk subsystem (hardware raid, software raid, LVM or any combination) with support for extending device capacity. New and updated content is continually flowing through CLAIMS Direct, and it is very important that your disk subsystem possesses the capacity for expansion.
- IFI CLAIMS has produced a patched release of libxml2-2.9.2 as an RPM. We recommend locally installing this package and replacing the package in the distribution. Download the RPM at: Contact if other versions are required.
PostgreSQL Requirements
Hardware Requirements
Requirement | Recommended |
CPU | 4-cores |
System Memory | 24GB |
Storage Capacity | 6TB (SSD required) |
Software Requirements
Requirement | Supported Versions | Notes |
Operating System | RHEL/Rocky 8, Amazon Linux 2 | We do not support Ubuntu or any operating system not explicitly listed. |
PostgreSQL | 11 - 14 | For the appropriate repository see |
IFI CLAIMS Repository | Amazon Linux 2 |
Processing Server Requirements
Hardware Requirements
CPU | 2-cores |
System Memory | 8GB |
Storage Capacity | 500GB (100GB SSD for fast temporary processing space) |
Requirement | Recommended |
Software Requirements
Requirement | Minimum Version | Notes |
Operating System | RHEL/Rocky 8, Amazon Linux 2 | We do not support Ubuntu or any operating system not explicitly listed. |
IFI CLAIMS Repository | Amazon Linux 2
Web Server Requirements
Hardware Requirements
Requirement | Recommended |
CPU | 2-cores |
System Memory | 4GB |
System Storage | 100GB |
Software Requirements
Requirement | Recommended | Notes |
Apache httpd | Distribution version | yum -y install httpd |
Perl Modules | Distribution version | yum -y install \ |
CLAIMS Direct Library | Latest Version | Contact for link to latest version |
CLAIMS Direct CDWS | Latest Version | Contact for link to latest version |
The logging configuration file is located in the same place as the distributed alexandria.xml, e.g.,
If you want to customize logging, copy the distribution alexandria-log.conf
file to /etc.
cp /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/auto/share/dist/Alexandria-Library/alexandria-log.conf /etc
Modify as desired.
If you make no changes, default logging is output to /tmp/alexandria.log.
For more information about how the alexandria tools log, see:
There are two sets of credentials:
- --IFIuser/--IFIpassword passed to apgupd – issued by IFI CLAIMS
- --PGSuser/--PGSpassword used to connect to postgresql – created during the PostgreSQL database installation
apgupd requires the IFIuser / IFIpassword, e.g.,
apgupd --user=IFIuser --password=IFIpassword
The connection string to postgresql is configurable in the main configuration file alexandria.xml. You can find that configuration file using acfg, e.g.,
$ acfg
Using configuration from: /etc/alexandria.xml
Configured Databases:
- alexandria: [alexandria;; 5432]
- alexandria-dummy: [alexandria;; 5432]
Configured Indices:
- alexandria (
- alexandria-dummy (
If you used a different user to create and load the alexandria database, you need to modify the database entry in the file pointed to by:
Using configuration from: /etc/alexandria.xml
<database name="alexandria" host="" port="5432" user="alexandria" password="alexandria"> <atts pg_errorlevel="0" AutoCommit="1" RaiseError="1" PrintError="0" LongTruncOk="0" LongReadLen="10485760" /> </database>
Modify @user and @password to the correct values, assuming the defaults are incorrect.