Legal Status Events
Field | Description | Field Type | XML Source Path | Examples | Multivalued | Indexed | Stored | Required |
patent-document/legal-status | ||||||||
ls | legal status | alexandria_text | All sub fields (exception: lsconv, lsrf) | "TRANSFER OF RIGHTS" correction assignment | x | x | ||
xxlsctry | legal status country | alexandria_string | ./legal-event/@country | FR | x | x | ||
xxlscode | legal status code | alexandria_string | ./legal-event/@code | ST | x | x | ||
xxlsdate | legal status date | tint | ./legal-event/@date | 20140107 | x | x | ||
xxlsdateyear | legal status year | tint | ./legal-event/@date | 1986 | x | x | ||
lsconv | legal status conveyance | alexandria_text | ./assignee-history//conveyance | assignment "security interest" | x | x | ||
lsrf | legal status reel-frame | alexandria_text | ./assignee-history//@reel-frame | "031904-0620" | x | x | ||
lstext | legal status text | alexandria_text | ./legal-event/legal-event-body/event-title | lapsed | x | x | ||
lsccd | concatenated phrase including country code_lscode_lsdate | alexandria_string | "US_FPAY_20140411" searchable as: US_FPAY* | x | x |
Further Reading
For more information about the content of the fields listed, see the XML Content Description for legal-status.