Priority Filing Information
Field | Description | Field Type | XML Source Path | Examples | Multivalued | Indexed | Stored | Required |
patent-document/bibliographic-data/priority-claims/priority-claim | ||||||||
pri | priority identifier based on country, doc-number, and kind | alexandria_string | ./@ucid | US-96142365-A US-96142365* | x | x | x | |
xxpriorig | original priority identifier | alexandria_string | ./document-id/country ./document-id/doc-number | US-07123456 Note: 07=series code, 123456=filing number | x | x | x | |
xxprictry | priority country | alexandria_string | ./document-id/country | US | x | x | ||
xxprinum | priority document number | alexandria_string | ./document-id/doc-number | 96142365 | x | x | ||
xxprikind | priority kind code | alexandria_string | ./document-id/kind | A | x | x | ||
pridate | priority date | alexandria_string | ./document-id/date | 19960101 Note: Range searching not allowed. | x | x | ||
xxprid | earliest priority date | tint | ./document-id/date | 19960101 | x | x | ||
xxpridyear | earliest priority year | tint | ./document-id/date | 1996 | x | |||
patent-document/bibliographic-data/dates-of-public-availability/registered-date | ||||||||
regd | DE registration date | tint | ./date | 19810101 | x | |||
xxregdyear | DE registration year | tint | ./date | 1981 | x |
Further Reading
For more information about the content of the fields listed, see the XML Content Description for priority-claims and dates-of-public-availability.