Publication Information
Field | Description | Field Type | XML Source Path | Examples | Multivalued | Indexed | Stored | Required |
patent-document/bibliographic-data/publication-reference | ||||||||
pn | publication identifier based on country, publication number, and kind | alexandria_token | ./@ucid | AP-584-A AP584A AP584 AP B2 | x | x | x | |
xxpnctry | publication country | alexandria_string | ./document-id/country | US | x | x | ||
xxpnnum | publication number | alexandria_string | ./document-id/doc-number | 5551212 | x | x | ||
xxpnkind | publication kind code | alexandria_string | ./document-id/kind | A | x | x | ||
xxpnlang | original language of publication, 2-character code based on ISO 639-2 | alexandria_string | ./document-id/lang | EN | x | x (default=xx) | ||
pd | publication date Note: If no ./date is present and a | tint | ./document-id/date | 20010101 | x | x | x | |
xxpd_d | publication date represented internally as a date type Note: This field allows efficient range faceting and Solr date math. Quotes or query escaping may be required for proper searching. See Working with Dates for more information. | tdate | ./document-id/date | Format: "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ" "2007-01-01T00:01:01Z" 2007-01-01T00\:01\:01Z [2017-07-05T00:00:00.000Z TO *] [NOW-14DAYS TO NOW] (Find documents with publication dates in the last 14 days) | x | x | ||
xxpdyear | publication year | tint | ./document-id/date | 2001 | x | x |
Further Reading
For more information about the content of the fields listed, see the XML Content Description for publication-reference.