Quick Guide to Stored Solr Fields
Although all indexed fields listed in the Solr Search Fields can be searched, only stored fields are displayed in result sets.
The following table provides a quick guide to all of the stored fields available in CLAIMS Direct:
Name | Description | Type | Examples |
ab_* | all abstracts (* is the language of title, e.g., ttl_en = English Title) | mixed: alexandria_text, alexandria_asian_text | ("solar energy"~4 AND photovoltaic) |
ad | filing date | tint | 19960101 |
an | application number (tokenized) | alexandria_token | US-96142365-A US96142365A US96142365 |
anorig | original, patent office format application number | alexandria_token | US-07123456 Note: 07=series code, 123456=filing number |
anseries | US application series code | alexandria_string | 02 |
anucid | standardized filing identifier | string | US-96142365-A US-96142365* |
cpcl | CPC display | string | Not indexed. See Classifications for information on how to search classifications. |
ecla | ECLA classification | alexandria_string | A A61 A61K A61K0001 A61K00010000001 |
fam | family identifier | string | 12345 |
ficl | JP national class display | string | Not indexed. See Classifications for information on how to search classifications. |
fterm | F-Terms | alexandria_string | A A61 A61K A61K0001 A61K00010000001 |
icl | IPCR display | string | Not indexed. See Classifications for information on how to search classifications. |
ifi_name_current_id | current assignee identifier | string | 01234 |
ifi_name_original_id | original assignee identifier | string | 06234 |
ifi_pa | IFI assignees | alexandria_token | "sony corp" |
inv | inventors | alexandria_token | ("chen david" AND "liang luke") |
loadid | meta load identifier | tint | 141023 |
nclms | number of claims | tint | 12 |
nindepclms | number of independent claims | tint | 3 |
pa | applicants/assignees (all formats) | alexandria_token | sony (sony OR vision) |
pd | publication date | tint | 20010101 |
pn | patent number (tokenized) | alexandria_token | AP-584-A AP584A AP584 AP B2 |
pri | priority filing number (tokenized) | alexandria_string | US-96142365-A US-96142365* |
prid | earliest priority filing date | tint | 19960101 |
priorig | original, patent office format priority number | alexandria_string | US-07123456 Note: 07=series code, 123456=filing number |
timestamp | last modification stamp | tdate | Format: "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ" "2007-01-01T00:01:01Z" 2007-01-01T00\:01\:01Z [2017-07-05T00:00:00.000Z TO *] [NOW-14DAYS TO NOW] (Find documents modified in the last 14 days) |
ttl_* | all titles (* is the language of title, e.g., ttl_en = English Title) | mixed: alexandria_text, alexandria_asian_text | ("solar energy" OR "énergie solaire" OR "sonnenenergie*") 抑血管生成素的药物用途 |
ucid | unique character identifier | string | AP-584-A AP-584* |
uscl | US national class display | string | Not indexed. See Classifications for information on how to search classifications. |