XML DTD and Schemas
Download versions of the CLAIMS Direct DTDs and Schemas here.
Current Patent XML Schema Version 2.7
Description | Link |
Current Extract DTD (v2.7) | patent-document-2.7.tar.gz |
Current Extract DTD (v2.7) packaged with XSD conversions | patent-document-2.7-w3c.tar.gz |
Current Litigation XML Schema
Description | Link |
Current Litigation XSD Schema | litigation-1.0-w3c.tar.gz |
Changes between v2.6 and v2.7
Changes to patent-document.dtd:
1. Added attribute ep-up-requested
to element ifi-patent-status
<!ATTLIST ifi-patent-status %ifidfltattrs; anticipated-expiration CDATA #IMPLIED adjusted-expiration CDATA #IMPLIED regulatory-extension (yes) #IMPLIED terminal-disclaimer (yes) #IMPLIED ep-up-requested (yes|no) #IMPLIED >
Changes between v2.5 and v2.6
Changes to patent-document.dtd:
1. Added created-load-id
and modified-load-id
to the default attributes entity dfltattrs
<!ENTITY % dfltattrs " id ID #IMPLIED mxw-id CDATA #IMPLIED created-load-id CDATA #IMPLIED modified-load-id CDATA #IMPLIED status (n|new|c|corrected|d|deleted) 'new' load-source CDATA #IMPLIED ref-ucid CDATA #IMPLIED copyright-ref CDATA #IMPLIED ">
2. Added support for unitary patent with two new designated-states
<!ELEMENT ep-validation-states (country+) > <!ELEMENT ep-up-participating-states (country+) >
Older Versions
Version 2.5
Description | Link |
Current Extract DTD (v2.5) | patent-document-v2.5.tar.gz |
Current Extract DTD (v2.5) packaged with XSD conversions | patent-document-v2.5-w3c.tar.gz |
Changes between v2.4 and v2.5
Changes to patent-document.dtd:
1. Added CPCI to the list of allowed values for attribute scheme of element classification-cpc
<!ATTLIST classification-cpc %dfltattrs; scheme (CPC|CPCNO) #REQUIRED rank CDATA #IMPLIED >
<!ATTLIST classification-cpc %dfltattrs; scheme (CPC|CPCNO|CPCI) #REQUIRED rank CDATA #IMPLIED >
2. Changed the definition of element classifications-cpc so that child element classification-cpc is no longer required
<!ELEMENT classifications-cpc (classification-cpc+, combination-sets?)>
<!ELEMENT classifications-cpc (classification-cpc*, combination-sets?)>
Changes to citations.dtd:
1. Changed the definition of elements author and subname to allow complete name and addressbook information
<!ELEMENT cit:author (%nam;) > <!ELEMENT cit:subname (#PCDATA) >
<!ELEMENT cit:author (%nam; | addressbook) > <!ELEMENT cit:subname (%nam; | addressbook) >
2. Added attribute subname-type to element subname
<!ATTLIST cit:subname subname-type (editor | translator | other-subname-type ) 'editor' >
3. Fixed date reference in element conference
<!ELEMENT cit:conference (text | (cit:conftitle, cit:date?, cit:confdate?, cit:confno?, cit:confplace?, cit:confsponsor*)) >
<!ELEMENT cit:conference (text | (cit:conftitle, date?, cit:confdate?, cit:confno?, cit:confplace?, cit:confsponsor*)) >
Version 2.4
Description | Link |
Extract DTD (v2.4) | patent-document-v2.4.tar.gz |
Extract DTD (v2.4) packaged with XSD conversions | patent-document-v2.4-w3c.tar.gz |
Changes between v2.3 and v2.4
Changes to patent-document.dtd:
1. Added new element combination-sets as an optional child of classifications-cpc and added optional attribute rank to classification-cpc
<!ELEMENT classifications-cpc (classification-cpc+)> <!ATTLIST classifications-cpc %dfltattrs; > <!ELEMENT classification-cpc (#PCDATA) > <!ATTLIST classification-cpc %dfltattrs; scheme (CPC|CPCNO) #REQUIRED >
<!ELEMENT classifications-cpc (classification-cpc+, combination-sets?)> <!ATTLIST classifications-cpc %dfltattrs; > <!ELEMENT classification-cpc (#PCDATA) > <!ATTLIST classification-cpc %dfltattrs; scheme (CPC|CPCNO) #REQUIRED rank CDATA #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT combination-sets (combination-set+)> <!ELEMENT combination-set (classification-cpc+)> <!ATTLIST combination-set %dfltattrs; group CDATA #REQUIRED >
2. Added new img-format values gif and bmp for element img
<!ELEMENT img EMPTY > <!ATTLIST img id CDATA #IMPLIED file CDATA #REQUIRED wi CDATA #IMPLIED he CDATA #IMPLIED img-content (abstract-drawing | ad | chem | cf | clip | ci | program-listing | cp | dna | dn | drawing | dr | undefined | figure | fg | graph | gr | math | mf | page | pa | photograph | ph | search-report | sr | table | tb | character | tx | flowchart | undefined-char | ff | undefined-image | ui ) 'drawing' img-format (jpg|tif|st33|st35|pdf) #REQUIRED orientation (portrait|landscape|unknown) 'unknown' inline (yes|no) 'no' alt CDATA #IMPLIED url CDATA #IMPLIED >
<!ELEMENT img EMPTY > <!ATTLIST img id CDATA #IMPLIED file CDATA #REQUIRED wi CDATA #IMPLIED he CDATA #IMPLIED img-content (abstract-drawing | ad | chem | cf | clip | ci | program-listing | cp | dna | dn | drawing | dr | undefined | figure | fg | graph | gr | math | mf | page | pa | photograph | ph | search-report | sr | table | tb | character | tx | flowchart | undefined-char | ff | undefined-image | ui ) 'drawing' img-format (jpg|tif|st33|st35|pdf|gif|bmp) #REQUIRED orientation (portrait|landscape|unknown) 'unknown' inline (yes|no) 'no' alt CDATA #IMPLIED url CDATA #IMPLIED >
3. Added new element declassified-date as an optional child of dates-of-public-availability
<!ELEMENT dates-of-public-availability (gazette-date?, application-publication-date?, grant-publication-date?, intention-to-grant-date?, registered-date?, republication-date?, search-report-publication-date?, search-report-dispatch-date?, corrected-search-report-dispatch-date?, coming-into-force-date?, preceding-publication-date?, amended-publication-date?, corrected-publication-date?, declassified-date?) >
<!ELEMENT dates-of-public-availability (gazette-date?, application-publication-date?, grant-publication-date?, intention-to-grant-date?, registered-date?, republication-date?, search-report-publication-date?, search-report-dispatch-date?, corrected-search-report-dispatch-date?, coming-into-force-date?, preceding-publication-date?, amended-publication-date?, corrected-publication-date?, declassified-date?) > <!ELEMENT declassified-date (date, bulletin-number?) >
4. Changed the definition of patent-document to allow multiple legal-status, copyright, and keywords (new element) children
<!ELEMENT patent-document (doc-page+ | (bibliographic-data, abstract*, description*, claims*, amended-claims*, amended-claims-statement*, drawings?, attachments-external?, search-report-data*, legal-status?, extended-patent-family?, revision-history?, copyright?))>
<!ELEMENT patent-document (doc-page+ | (bibliographic-data, abstract*, description*, claims*, amended-claims*, amended-claims-statement*, drawings?, attachments-external?, search-report-data*, keywords*, legal-status*, extended-patent-family?, revision-history?, copyright*))> <!-- Keywords --> <!ELEMENT keywords (keyword-set+) > <!ATTLIST keywords %dfltattrs; lang CDATA #REQUIRED format (%fmtattrs;) 'original' > <!ELEMENT keyword-set (keyword+) > <!ATTLIST keyword-set technical-field CDATA #IMPLIED subjects-number CDATA #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT keyword (#PCDATA) > <!ATTLIST keyword sequence CDATA #IMPLIED pfq CDATA #IMPLIED dvalue CDATA #IMPLIED >
5. Added new attribute copyright-ref to entity dfltattrs and new attribute copyright-id to element copyright
<!ENTITY % dfltattrs " id ID #IMPLIED mxw-id CDATA #IMPLIED status (n|new|c|corrected|d|deleted) 'new' load-source CDATA #IMPLIED ref-ucid CDATA #IMPLIED "> <!ELEMENT copyright (#PCDATA) >
<!ENTITY % dfltattrs " id ID #IMPLIED mxw-id CDATA #IMPLIED status (n|new|c|corrected|d|deleted) 'new' load-source CDATA #IMPLIED ref-ucid CDATA #IMPLIED copyright-ref CDATA #IMPLIED "> <!ELEMENT copyright (#PCDATA) > <!ATTLIST copyright copyright-id CDATA #IMPLIED >
6. Changed the definition of element linked-indexing-code-group to allow two new child elements main-linked-indexing-code and sub-linked-indexing-code, and added required attribute group
<!ELEMENT linked-indexing-code-group (#PCDATA) > <!ATTLIST linked-indexing-code-group %dfltattrs; >
<!ELEMENT linked-indexing-code-group (main-linked-indexing-code, sub-linked-indexing-code*) > <!ATTLIST linked-indexing-code-group %dfltattrs; group CDATA #REQUIRED > <!ELEMENT main-linked-indexing-code (#PCDATA) > <!ATTLIST main-linked-indexing-code %dfltattrs; > <!ELEMENT sub-linked-indexing-code (#PCDATA) > <!ATTLIST sub-linked-indexing-code %dfltattrs; >
7. Added new element administrative-division to entity adr
<!ENTITY % adr "((address-1? , address-2? , address-3? , mailcode? , pobox? , room? , address-floor? , building? , street? , city? , county? , state? , postcode? , country?) | text)" >
<!ENTITY % adr "((address-1? , address-2? , address-3? , mailcode? , pobox? , room? , address-floor? , building? , street? , city? , county? , state? , postcode? , country? , administrative-division?) | text)" > <!ELEMENT administrative-division (#PCDATA) >
8. Added optional attribute class to element legal-event
<!ELEMENT legal-event (dtext | legal-event-body)? > <!ATTLIST legal-event %dfltattrs; code CDATA #REQUIRED country CDATA #REQUIRED date CDATA #REQUIRED impact CDATA #IMPLIED >
<!ELEMENT legal-event (dtext | legal-event-body)? > <!ATTLIST legal-event %dfltattrs; code CDATA #REQUIRED country CDATA #REQUIRED date CDATA #REQUIRED impact CDATA #IMPLIED class CDATA #IMPLIED >
9. Added optional child statistical-information to element technical-data, moved elements number-of-claims and exemplary-claim, and added new element number-of-pages to statistical-information
<!ELEMENT technical-data ((classification-ipc | classification-locarno)*, classifications-ipcr?, classification-national?, classification-ecla*, classifications-cpc?, f-term-info?, invention-title*, citations?, figures?, number-of-claims?, exemplary-claim?, field-of-search?)>
<!ELEMENT technical-data ((classification-ipc | classification-locarno)*, classifications-ipcr?, classification-national?, classification-ecla*, classifications-cpc?, f-term-info?, invention-title*, citations?, figures?, field-of-search?, statistical-information?)> <!ELEMENT statistical-information (number-of-pages?, number-of-claims?, exemplary-claim?)> <!ELEMENT number-of-pages (#PCDATA)>
10. Added new external file citations.dtd and moved all elements related to citations into this new file
<!-- Content definitions for all elements related to citations --> <!ENTITY % citations SYSTEM "citations.dtd" > %citations;
New file citations.dtd:
This new file contains all of the definitions for elements related to citations including a new namespace that has been added to support rich citations.
Version 2.3
Description | Link |
Extract DTD (v2.3) | patent-document-v2.3.tar.gz |
Extract DTD (v2.3) packaged with XSD conversions | patent-document-v2.3-w3c.tar.gz |
Changes between v2.2 and v2.3
Changes to patent-document.dtd:
1. Added optional child element effective-date to application-reference
<!ELEMENT application-reference (document-id+) >
<!ELEMENT application-reference (document-id+, effective-date?) > <!ELEMENT effective-date (date) >
2. Added new included file autags.dtd
defining a new child element autags of office-specific-data
<!ELEMENT office-specific-data (eptags|ustags)*>
<!-- AU register content definitions --> <!ENTITY % aut SYSTEM "autags.dtd" > %aut; <!ELEMENT office-specific-data (autags|eptags|ustags)* >
new included file autags.dtd:
<!ELEMENT autags ( au-opi-date?, au-opi-published-in-journal-date?, au-exam-details?, au-acceptance-details?, au-certification-details?, au-sealing-details?, au-extensions-of-term?, au-fee-history?, au-oppositions-and-disputes?, au-re-examinations? )> <!ELEMENT au-exam-details ( au-direction-date?, au-third-party-examination-request-date? )> <!ELEMENT au-acceptance-details ( au-acceptance-date?, au-acceptance-published-date?, au-final-acceptance-date? )> <!ELEMENT au-certification-details ( au-certified-date?, au-final-certification-date?, au-certified-published-date? )> <!ELEMENT au-sealing-details ( au-sealing-date?, au-sealed-published-date? )> <!ELEMENT au-extensions-of-term (au-extension-of-term+)> <!ELEMENT au-extension-of-term ( au-final-expiry-date?, au-extension-of-term-application-filing-date?, au-extension-of-term-acceptance-date?, au-extension-of-term-acceptance-published-date?, au-extension-of-term-granted-date? )> <!ELEMENT au-fee-history ( au-date-paid?, au-paid-to-date?, au-next-fee-due?, au-last-agency-address? )> <!ELEMENT au-oppositions-and-disputes ( au-current-oppositions-and-disputes?, au-completed-oppositions-and-disputes? )> <!ELEMENT au-current-oppositions-and-disputes (au-opposition+)> <!ELEMENT au-completed-oppositions-and-disputes (au-opposition+)> <!ELEMENT au-opposition ( au-proceeding-type?, au-proceeding-status?, au-proceeding-result?, au-opposition-dispute-parties?, au-opposition-dispute-agent?, au-opposition-dispute-agent-address? )> <!ATTLIST au-opposition sequence CDATA #REQUIRED > <!ELEMENT au-opposition-dispute-parties (au-opposition-dispute-party-name+)> <!ELEMENT au-opposition-dispute-party-name (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST au-opposition-dispute-party-name sequence CDATA #REQUIRED > <!ELEMENT au-re-examinations (au-re-examination+)> <!ELEMENT au-re-examination ( au-re-examination-status?, au-re-examination-request-date? )> <!ATTLIST au-re-examination sequence CDATA #REQUIRED > <!ELEMENT au-opi-date (date)> <!ELEMENT au-opi-published-in-journal-date (date)> <!ELEMENT au-date-paid (date)> <!ELEMENT au-paid-to-date (date)> <!ELEMENT au-next-fee-due (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT au-last-agency-address (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT au-direction-date (date)> <!ELEMENT au-third-party-examination-request-date (date)> <!ELEMENT au-acceptance-date (date)> <!ELEMENT au-acceptance-published-date (date)> <!ELEMENT au-final-acceptance-date (date)> <!ELEMENT au-certified-date (date)> <!ELEMENT au-final-certification-date (date)> <!ELEMENT au-certified-published-date (date)> <!ELEMENT au-final-expiry-date (date)> <!ELEMENT au-extension-of-term-application-filing-date (date)> <!ELEMENT au-extension-of-term-acceptance-date (date)> <!ELEMENT au-extension-of-term-acceptance-published-date (date)> <!ELEMENT au-extension-of-term-granted-date (date)> <!ELEMENT au-sealing-date (date)> <!ELEMENT au-sealed-published-date (date)> <!ELEMENT au-proceeding-type (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT au-proceeding-status (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT au-proceeding-result (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT au-opposition-dispute-agent (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT au-opposition-dispute-agent-address (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT au-re-examination-status (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT au-re-examination-request-date (date)>
3. Changed definition of element relation to allow multiple document-id children
<!ELEMENT relation (document-id | (child-doc, parent-doc)) >
<!ELEMENT relation (document-id+ | (child-doc, parent-doc)) >
4. Added new relation types later-filed-application and provisional
<!ELEMENT relation (document-id+ | (child-doc, parent-doc)) > <!ATTLIST relation type (a-371-of-international | addition | division | division-into | continuation | continuation-in-part | continuing-reissue | reissue | us-divisional-reissue | reexamination | us-reexamination-reissue-merger | substitution | us-provisional-application | utility-model-basis | correction | related-publication | previously-filed-application) #REQUIRED >
<!ELEMENT relation (document-id+ | (child-doc, parent-doc)) > <!ATTLIST relation type ( a-371-of-international | addition | continuation | continuation-in-part | continuing-reissue | correction | division | division-into | later-filed-application | previously-filed-application | provisional | reexamination | reissue | related-publication | substitution | us-divisional-reissue | us-provisional-application | us-reexamination-reissue-merger | utility-model-basis ) #REQUIRED >
Note: over time relation type us-provisional-application
will be phased out in favor of type provisional
5. Changed attribute reel-frame of element reassignment from REQUIRED to IMPLIED
<!ATTLIST reassignment %dfltattrs; reel-frame CDATA #REQUIRED recorded-date CDATA #REQUIRED >
<!ATTLIST reassignment %dfltattrs; reel-frame CDATA #IMPLIED recorded-date CDATA #REQUIRED >
6. Changed citation source name SUPP to SUP
<!ATTLIST source %dfltattrs; name (OTH|CH2|SUPP|ISR|APP|SEA|115|EXA|OPP|PRS|APL|FOP|TPO|UNKNOWN) #REQUIRED created-by-npl (Y|N) "N" category CDATA #IMPLIED >
<!ATTLIST source %dfltattrs; name (OTH|CH2|SUP|ISR|APP|SEA|115|EXA|OPP|PRS|APL|FOP|TPO|UNKNOWN) #REQUIRED created-by-npl (Y|N) "N" category CDATA #IMPLIED >
7. Added element sequence-cwu to ptext entity parameter
<!-- The contents of a paragraph or other block-level text element --> <!ENTITY % ptext " #PCDATA | b | i | u | o | sub | sup |smallcaps | br | pre | dl | ul | ol | sl | crossref | figref | patcit | nplcit | bio-deposit | img | imgref | chemistry | maths | tables | table-external-doc ">
<!-- The contents of a paragraph or other block-level text element --> <!ENTITY % ptext " #PCDATA | b | i | u | o | sub | sup |smallcaps | br | pre | dl | ul | ol | sl | crossref | figref | patcit | nplcit | bio-deposit | img | imgref | chemistry | maths | tables | table-external-doc | sequence-cwu ">
8. Added new included file ifi-annotated-data.dtd
defining a new child element ifi-annotated-data of bibliographic-data
<!ELEMENT bibliographic-data (publication-reference, us-sir-flag?, application-reference?, priority-claims?, dates-of-public-availability?, rule-47-flag?, term-of-grant?, technical-data?, related-documents?, parties?, international-convention-data?, designated-states?, office-specific-data?, ifi-integrated-content?) >
<!-- The IFI annotated data definitions --> <!ENTITY % ifiad SYSTEM "ifi-annotated-data.dtd" > %ifiad; <!ELEMENT bibliographic-data (publication-reference, us-sir-flag?, application-reference?, priority-claims?, dates-of-public-availability?, rule-47-flag?, term-of-grant?, technical-data?, related-documents?, parties?, international-convention-data?, designated-states?, office-specific-data?, ifi-integrated-content?, ifi-annotated-data?) >
new included file ifi-annotated-data.dtd
<!ELEMENT ifi-annotated-data ( pharmaceuticals )> <!ELEMENT pharmaceuticals ( pharmaceutical+ )> <!ELEMENT pharmaceutical ( strengths? )> <!ATTLIST pharmaceutical %dfltattrs; ingredient CDATA #REQUIRED brand CDATA #IMPLIED form CDATA #IMPLIED route CDATA #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT strengths ( strength+ )> <!ELEMENT strength (#PCDATA)>
Changes to ifi-integrated-content.dtd:
1. Added child element office-patent-status to element ifi-integrated-content
<!ELEMENT ifi-integrated-content ( ifi-patent-status, ifi-parties?, ifi-indexing-codes?, ifi-claims-summary? )>
<!ELEMENT ifi-integrated-content ( ifi-patent-status, office-patent-status?, ifi-parties?, ifi-indexing-codes?, ifi-claims-summary? )> <!ELEMENT office-patent-status (office-patent-status-description)> <!ATTLIST office-patent-status %dfltattrs; under-opposition (yes|no) #IMPLIED expiration-date CDATA #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT office-patent-status-description (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST office-patent-status-description country CDATA #REQUIRED >
2. Added allowed value U to attribute term-type
<!ENTITY % ifiindexingattrs " term-type (F|G|C) #REQUIRED ">
<!ENTITY % ifiindexingattrs " term-type (C|F|G|U) #REQUIRED ">
Changes to seqlst.dtd:
1. Changed sequence-cwu children publication-reference and number to optional
<!ELEMENT sequence-cwu (publication-reference, number,(sequence-list-old-rules | sequence-list-new-rules | table )) >
<!ELEMENT sequence-cwu (publication-reference?, number?, (sequence-list-old-rules | sequence-list-new-rules | table )) >
Version 2.2
Description | Link |
Extract DTD (v2.2) | patent-document-v2.2.tar.gz |
Extract DTD (v2.2) packaged with XSD conversions | patent-document-v2.2-w3c.tar.gz |
Changes between v2.1 and v2.2
Changes to patent-document.dtd:
1. Added citation source name TPO (Third Party Observation)
<!ATTLIST source %dfltattrs; name (OTH|CH2|SUPP|ISR|APP|SEA|115|EXA|OPP|PRS|APL|FOP|UNKNOWN) #REQUIRED created-by-npl (Y|N) "N" category CDATA #IMPLIED >
<!ATTLIST source %dfltattrs; name (OTH|CH2|SUPP|ISR|APP|SEA|115|EXA|OPP|PRS|APL|FOP|TPO|UNKNOWN) #REQUIRED created-by-npl (Y|N) "N" category CDATA #IMPLIED >
2. Added attribute applicant-category to element applicant
<!ATTLIST applicant %dfltattrs; format (%fmtattrs;) 'original' sequence CDATA #IMPLIED >
<!ATTLIST applicant %dfltattrs; format (%fmtattrs;) 'original' sequence CDATA #IMPLIED applicant-category CDATA #IMPLIED >
3. Removed extra occurrence of element sequence-list-text in declaration for element description
<!ELEMENT description (invention-title?, (technical-field | background-art |disclosure | description-of-drawings | best-mode | mode-for-invention | industrial-applicability | sequence-list-text | summary-of-invention | description-of-embodiments |reference-signs-list | reference-to-deposited-biological-material | citation-list | sequence-list-text | (heading|img|imgref|p)*)+) >
<!ELEMENT description (invention-title?, (technical-field | background-art |disclosure | description-of-drawings | best-mode | mode-for-invention | industrial-applicability | summary-of-invention | description-of-embodiments | reference-signs-list | reference-to-deposited-biological-material | citation-list | sequence-list-text | (heading|img|imgref|p)*)+) >
4. Changed content model for element disclaimer to make child element date optional and moved attribute text to an optional child element
<!ELEMENT disclaimer (date) > <!ATTLIST disclaimer text CDATA #FIXED "This patent is subject to a terminal disclaimer" >
<!ELEMENT disclaimer (date?, text?) >
5. Added attribute linkage-type to element priority-claim
<!ATTLIST priority-claim %dfltattrs; ucid CDATA #IMPLIED kind (national|regional|international) #IMPLIED >
<!ATTLIST priority-claim %dfltattrs; ucid CDATA #IMPLIED kind (national|regional|international) #IMPLIED linkage-type CDATA #IMPLIED >
Changes to ifi-integrated-content.dtd:
1. Added attribute terminal-disclaimer to ifi-patent-status
<!ATTLIST ifi-patent-status %ifidfltattrs; anticipated-expiration CDATA #IMPLIED adjusted-expiration CDATA #IMPLIED regulatory-extension (yes) #IMPLIED >
<!ATTLIST ifi-patent-status %ifidfltattrs; anticipated-expiration CDATA #IMPLIED adjusted-expiration CDATA #IMPLIED regulatory-extension (yes) #IMPLIED terminal-disclaimer (yes) #IMPLIED >
Version 2.1
Description | Link |
Extract DTD (v2.1) | |
Extract DTD (v2.1) packaged with XSD conversions |
Changes between v2.0 and v2.1
Changes to patent-document.dtd:
1. Added USPTO Official Gazette data
<!ELEMENT ustags ( us-gazette? )> <!ELEMENT us-gazette ( us-adverse-decisions?, us-certificates-of-correction?, us-disclaimers?, us-expirations?, us-extensions?, us-reexaminations?, us-reinstatements?, us-reissues? )>
2. Add assignee enable/disable dates (CA only)
<!ATTLIST assignee %dfltattrs; format (%fmtattrs;) 'original' us-assignee-type CDATA #IMPLIED sequence CDATA #IMPLIED >
<!ATTLIST assignee %dfltattrs; format (%fmtattrs;) 'original' us-assignee-type CDATA #IMPLIED sequence CDATA #IMPLIED enabled CDATA #IMPLIED disabled CDATA #IMPLIED >
3. Added child-pct-document to child-doc
<!ELEMENT child-doc (document-id+) >
<!ELEMENT child-doc (document-id+, child-pct-document?) >
4. Changed attribute fvid of publication-reference from REQUIRED to IMPLIED
<!ATTLIST publication-reference %dfltattrs; ucid CDATA #REQUIRED fvid CDATA #REQUIRED entity-status (micro|small|large|unknown) #IMPLIED >
<!ATTLIST publication-reference %dfltattrs; ucid CDATA #REQUIRED fvid CDATA #IMPLIED entity-status (micro|small|large|unknown) #IMPLIED >
Note: Element publication-reference is found in the new us-gazette container and @fvid will not be present there. It will still always be populated in the main publication-reference element of the document.
5. Added continued prosecution flag (@cpa) to parent-doc
<!ATTLIST parent-doc ucid CDATA #REQUIRED psta (granted|pending|abandoned|SIR|unknown) 'unknown' >
<!ATTLIST parent-doc ucid CDATA #REQUIRED psta (granted|pending|abandoned|SIR|unknown) 'unknown' cpa (yes) #IMPLIED >
Changes to ifi-integrated-content.dtd:
1. Added four new attributes to ifi-integrated-content
<!ATTLIST ifi-integrated-content publication-type CDATA #IMPLIED accession-number CDATA #IMPLIED document-category CDATA #IMPLIED subject-area CDATA #IMPLIED >
attribute | description | example |
publication-type | type of publication | Application, Grant |
accession-number | legacy IFI unique identifier | 06783499 |
document-category | publication kind descriptor | Design, Utility |
subject-area | classification area descriptor | Mechanical, Chemical |
2. Added three additional indexing term groups (ifi-category-terms, ifi-collection-terms, ifi-business-method-terms)
<!ELEMENT ifi-indexing-codes ( ifi-uniterm-fragment-indexing-codes | ifi-general-term-indexing | ifi-cdb-fragment-term-links | ifi-compound-term-indexing )* >
<!ELEMENT ifi-indexing-codes ( ifi-uniterm-fragment-indexing-codes | ifi-general-term-indexing | ifi-cdb-fragment-term-links | ifi-compound-term-indexing | ifi-category-terms | ifi-collection-terms | ifi-business-method-terms )* >
3. Changed ifi-patent-status and ifi-patent-status-description to allow multiple country-specific status values
<!ELEMENT ifi-patent-status (ifi-patent-status-description, ifi-term-extension?)> <!ATTLIST ifi-patent-status-description %ifidfltattrs; >
<!ELEMENT ifi-patent-status (ifi-patent-status-description+, ifi-term-extension?)> <!ATTLIST ifi-patent-status-description %ifidfltattrs; country CDATA #IMPLIED >