IFI Adds New Data to Chinese Patent Records

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Now more than ever, it’s essential to have the most accurate, timely, and comprehensive Chinese data for research and analysis. IFI’s switch to a new supplier allows us to offer new and improved patent data that includes both English translations and the original Chinese text.
Chinese patent publications now include all referenced images and pdfs along with bibliographic data and full text. Additionally, clients now have access to Chinese legal events data that’s available sooner and is much more detailed. It includes the inventor’s name, company name, and address information.
These upgrades apply to our Premium Plus subscription package.
Here is a complete list of the newly available data:
  • Keywords: high-level summary words or phrases found in patent documents
  • Statistical information: number of pages and number of claims
  • Declassified dates: date of declassification of a national defense patent or secret patent
  • Administrative division: address element which designates provincial (region), prefectural (state), county, township or village level
  • Legal events data that includes name changes, inventor names addresses and more! 
For more details and examples, please refer to our documentation page.