- A new patent publication covering the same invention another company is trying to develop
- Changes in legal status that result from missed fee payments
- Transfers of ownership that can reveal a company’s strategic direction
At IFI, we continually improve our data factory to deliver new information as quickly as possible while retaining accuracy.
The CLAIMS Direct platform offers same or next-day delivery of records from:
- The USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office), including reassignments (changes in ownership)
- WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) PCT records
- EPO (The European Patent Office)
- China (China National Intellectual Property Administration)—English translations with bibliographic data
- Korea (Korean Intellectual Property Office)
- Translations to English (when applicable) are available the next day
Several industry studies reveal that data scientists spend about 80% of their time acquiring and cleaning data. Clearly, this is not a good use of their skill set. By the time a patent data set gets downloaded and integrated with existing data, a new set of data with changes may already be available.
We solve this issue with our platform, which automatically pushes new information into your database, whether hosted by IFI or in your own data center. Instead of publishing new information as large files for customers to retrieve and process, we push out updates directly using XML. Information is constantly updated and no manual work is required to manage the update process. If a change in legal status occurs, we update only the affected field and leave the rest of the information alone, eliminating the chance for other errors to be introduced.
If using the latest information available is important to your product or analysis, consider CLAIMS Direct for fast and accurate patent data.