
Technological advances are made daily across the world, which demands current and up-to-date research. Our platform automatically updates your database whenever a new patent is published in our primary database. This process allows us to take care of the data governance, while you can focus on your research and development projects. The extensibility of our platform also allows you to add your data and research alongside our global patent data.

Elevate your Sci-Tech strategies

Patents are the first and often only place to find science and technology research, as this research is published in other sources, such as scientific journals, much later. Therefore, patent data is valuable to the research and development process. CLAIMS Direct seamlessly integrates your research with our global patent data.

Improve Your R&D

  • Reduce financial risk through patent searches of past and present inventions to ensure your invention is new and novel
  • Analyze prior art in combination with key patent metrics
  • Build upon prior inventions only found in patents
  • Gain insights into the newest technologies or products

The automatic update process provided through our platform ensures there is only one accurate version of a given document.

Innovation Intelligence

  • Discover which technologies have the most patent applications
  • Analyze which inventions competitors are patenting and improve competitive intelligence
  • Utilize CPC codes to view particular inventions

How our data assists in Bio-Pharma and drug development research

Scientific data flow in CLAIMS Direct

Fastest Growing Technologies

From AI to shipping methods and oil drilling, IFI's Fastest Growing Technologies provides insight into annual tech trends. Discover which technology areas are rapidly growing and the companies investing in those areas.

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Our Partners

STN logo

CAS' STN database offers the largest collection and depth of chemical and related information compared to other commercial web based databases.

ChemAxon logo

ChemAxon is a chemistry and biologics software platforms provider with a variety of applications and services to optimize the value of information in life sciences and other R&D environments.

The European Bioinformatics Institute logo

The European Bioinformatics Institute offers a free bioinformatics database. The EBI service is aimed at helping researchers search and access the chemical data contained within patent documents.