CLAIMS Direct Data Collection

Our data platform uses algorithms to check incoming records before they are added to IFI's database. If problems are found, a team of content specialists manually reviews and resolves discrepancies before a record goes live.

Data Coverage

IFI has direct relationships with patent offices across the world to provide our clients with the most up-to-date data available. Sourcing global patent data encompasses normalizing patent data across different jurisdictions, languages and formats. That's why IFI created an ideal patent format which standardizes patent information before it enters our database. We are constantly adding new information, countries, and sources to CLAIMS Direct drawing upon our strengths as data architects to ensure the new records meet our strict quality guidelines.

Countries with bibliographic data
Countries with full text
160 million
Patent records
Data sources
Countries with snapshots

Patent Data Enrichments and Add-Ons

Calculated Expiration Dates

Easily forecast expiring technologies and patents for a company or location with our adjusted expiration dates. Once a patent has reached its full lifetime, the technology becomes available to use.

Legal Status

Find which stage of the patent life cycle a technology is currently in with legal status information. Legal status will help you identify how to proceed with your research and decisions. Available status information includes expirations, grants, examinations, rejections, and more.

English Translations

  • IFI has added English translations coverage to our “original language” full text patent records (Claims and Descriptions).
  • Avoid translation costs and search and analyze English text.
  • Translations are delivered quickly, one day after the availability of the original text for most countries.

Unique Features

  • Attachment Service - retrieve attachments associated with patents such as clipped images, drawings, chemistry files, and full page images. With the bulk download service you can gain access to attachments in a convenient package.
  • Citation Service - retrieve backward or forward citations for patent records.
  • Patent Family Service – retrieve simple and extended families.
  • Search, Text and Reporting Services are also available.

IFI Names

We map variations of applicant and assignee names under one accurate, searchable standardized name, available for original (name at time of publication), current owners (mergers, acquisitions, name changes, etc.), and the ultimate owner. We also include reassignments and probable assignees.

Litigation Data Add-On

By adding the optional litigation data to your subscription, you can easily track the patent assets and parties mentioned in court actions. The litigation data subscription is built on the MaxVal Global Litigation Data. The data provides unique competitive intelligence and valuation metrics.