Implantación de CLAIMS Direct

Our product is a self-contained, ready-to-use patent database with a scalable data architecture which exposes a mature set of web services. An extensive documentation portal is available to ensure you always have the most current product information.

Opciones de suscripción

Subscription options license

Flexible Licensing

We offer several different subscription models to suit your needs. None of these models impose volume limits, transactional charges, or metering assessments.

All service levels contain name standardization, expiration dates, patent status, and claims summaries. Different license types provide flexibility for reselling the data and the number of countries to which you need access.

We offer a 14-day free trial of CLAIMS Direct. Learn how it works.

Maintain your privacy: You can install CLAIMS Direct in your own data center to ensure complete privacy, while still receiving new data and updates.

Opciones de implantación

Cloud Hosting

Cloud Hosting

  • Deje que nosotros nos encarguemos de los detalles del alojamiento.
  • Póngase en marcha rápidamente.
  • Access CLAIMS Direct through HTTP REST Web Services.
On-site Deployment

On-site Deployment

  • Las actualizaciones automatizadas mantienen al día la base de datos local.
  • Analice o indexe el fondo completo de patentes con las herramientas de su elección.
  • Sincronice la base de datos de CLAIMS Direct XML directamente en sus sistemas internos.

Deployment Process

Our experienced client support team makes getting started easy.

Hosting options diagram