IFI Names + IFI Snapshots = Complete Insights
IFI’s approach of using only patent holding companies combined with our Company Name recognition ability has enabled a precise and accurate look at Parent Companies’ patent ownership.
IFI Names and Snapshots help you navigate from corporate parent to patent publication. You can connect the data you need into your
software solution or workflow.
Who really owns the patent?
The IFI Names Service provides a simple method to find the standardized form of a company name (the "IFI Name") and its corporate parent (the "IFI Ultimate Owner"). It also provides a quick and efficient way to get a list of subsidiaries associated with an IFI Ultimate Owner.
IFI Names
Easy to navigate corporate ownership for both the IFI Original Owner, the Current Owner, and the Ultimate Owner.
Ultimate Owners make it easy to capture all patent assets held by a company including all subsidiaries.
Corporate portfolio analysis has never been easier.
IFI Snapshots
Snapshots capture critical metrics related to publications such as whether a patent is granted or expired so you can avoid sifting through complex data relationships and national regulations. With Standardized Names you can find the IFI Current Owner, Original Owner, and Probable Owner.
Mergers & Spin-Offs:
Leveraging Ultimate Owners, Snapshots & Names
Applying Patent Intelligence to Financial Events
Leveraging IFI Names & Snapshots: A Use Case Using the Merger of Neenah Inc. & Schweitzer Mauduit International Inc.
View Case StudySpin-Offs & Determining Patent Ownership
Exploring Ultimate Owner and IFI Names through the spin-off of Vitesco Technologies Group AG by Continental AG.
View Case Study