Blog posts

New Data and Improved English Translations

Product release notes Early April 2018: Translations for EP and WO Records As we announced in March, we have added English translations to EP and WO records that…

Quantum Computing and Beyond: Can Patent Landscaping Predict the Future?

Quantum computing is going to change the world, and it’s no longer the stuff of science fiction. A series of patent landscape reports from Patinformatics, the firm…

Patent Number 10 Million Sheds Light on Industry Trends

If you’re interested in knowing what the future direction of technology is, monitoring patent trends can tell you a lot. While not every patented invention makes…

What Can We Learn From Ten Million US Patents?

The ten millionth US Patent will be granted on Tuesday, June 19, 2018. (Update: the patent was granted to Raythoen for a laser detection and ranging system.) Is this…

Patent Education Resources

As many new uses for patent data come to light, we’re getting requests for basic education on patent content. We’re happy to provide guidance to customers with…

What to Watch in Patents: IFI Staff Offers Insight for World IP Day

Our staff at IFI CLAIMS® consists of both employees new to the world of patents and those with decades of experience. For this year’s World IP Day, we thought it…

US Patent Grants to China are Growing Rapidly

As part of our annual Top 50 list of patent assignees, we also take a look at industry trends. Our research uncovered that in 2017, China was awarded 28% more US patents than in 2016.

IFI to Present a New Way to Access Patent Data at PIUG Biotech 2018

Our senior analyst Larry Cady will show attendees of the Patent Information Users Group (PIUG) Biotechnology conference how to combine data sources using Google’s…

Using Patent Data for Drug Development

Bringing new drugs to market is a complex and expensive process. According to the Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development, the average cost of a new drug is…

IFI Data on Google BigQuery Untangles the PTAB

IFI Data Enrichments on Google BigQuery provide analysts with additional insight into PTAB cases, and patent legal status in general.  

Public Patent Data Now Available on Google BigQuery

At IFI CLAIMS, we are very excited about the release of the Google Patents Public Datasets on Google’s BigQuery.  We are proud to be the source of the core,…

IFI Legal Status Indicator for EPO Designated States

We recently published a blog post that covered how IFI data enhancements make it easier to know when a patent will expire. That article focused on US patents, and in…

IFI Data Enhancements Simplify Complex Patent Expiration Rules

The 20 Year Term Rule As a general rule of thumb, the effective life of a patent extends to 20 years from the application date.  This rule has changed over time. …

New Country Coverage & Translations

At IFI CLAIMS®, we're always seeking to expand our data coverage. We recently released national patent office data for: Austria Brazil Switzerland…

Select the Right Patent Data Source for Your Big Data Project

Have you wondered how emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and deep learning can be applied to patent data?  Sumeet Sandhu, CEO of Elementary IP,…

IFI Has Not Forgotten About Design Patents: The US Design Top 50

In the US, designs can be patented.  According to the US Patent & Trademark Office:   A design consists of the visual ornamental characteristics embodied in, or…

IFI Patent Status Indicator Now Available for EP Documents: An Example

How do you tell if a patent is in force in a European country?  IFI CLAIMS can now provide an easy answer.  The IFI Patent Status indicator is a value added patent…

The Rapid Growth in Chinese Semiconductor Patents

The number of Chinese semiconductor patents grew rapidly in 2015 compared to 2014.  IFI CLAIMS has found that the number of Chinese semiconductor patent grants jumped by 88%.

Korean Patent Office Leads in 2015 Patent Pendency, EPO and DE Lag

Patent pendency is the time between a patent's filing data and its grant or issue date. IFI CLAIMS has examined patent pendency across the world’s major patent…

2015 IFI CLAIMS German Patent Trends

2015 IFI CLAIMS German Patent Trends Assignees:  In Germany, the Top 50 is dominated by automobile and auto parts manufacturers.  This compares to the…

The USPTO’s PTAB is very busy - and why it matters

The Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) was formed as part of the December 2014 America Invents Act (AIA). The PTAB makes decisions on patentability after the…

Hovering over the Drone Patent Landscape

By Serguei Carrascosa and Enric Escorsa from IALE Tecnologia As it occurs with many disruptive technologies, drones (technically known as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles…

The IP Landscape for Wearables with Augmented Reality

Elicet Cruz PhD., IALE Tecnologia, S.L. You probably know Google Glass; who doesn’t… It is Google’s flagship product expected to become massive in the market…

CLAIMS Direct 2.0 - Detailed Examples of Value Added Content

IFI CLAIMS has recently released CLAIMS Direct 2.0 - a major upgrade to its pioneering patent web service.  CLAIMS Direct 2.0 combines IFI's global patent database…

Sony Corporation Patents: 2010-2013

Sony has a long history of innovation, and their patenting activity reflects this.  Sony is consistently in the IFI CLAIMS Patent Rankings’ Top 50.  For 2013,…

3D Printing—The Patent Landscape

By Elicet Cruz PhD., S. L. from IALE Tecnologia 3D Printing is currently a much discussed topic.  This blog post examines the patent landscape of this important…

Patents on Aging

By: Enric Escorsa O’Callaghan, IALE Tecnologia, S.L.   The world’s population is rapidly aging - according to the World Health Organization (WHO), in almost…

Innovation in Medical Devices: Looking at the IP Landscape for Surgical Devices

By Katia Cueto and Enric Escorsa, Iale Technologia, SL The medical devices industry has experienced a significant upswing in recent years, and is considered (by…

Tony Trippe of Patinformatics Describes Patent Classification

Tony Trippe of Patinformatics LLC is writing an excellent series of technical blog posts discussing patent clustering, visualization and especially classification.

Analyzing Graphene Patents

By: Elicet Cruz PhD., Iale Tecnologia S.L. What is Graphene? Graphene is a material which through its extraordinary properties has attracted the attention of both…