The Fastest Growing Technologies
Analyzing patent information is a good way to determine which technologies are experiencing rapid growth. We compared US patent application growth by CPC (cooperative patent classification) codes to find the largest increases from 2017 to 2018. The list includes some widely-covered technologies such as machine learning, and also some surprises like warehouse technology.
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The Importance of Chinese Patent Data
It's no secret that the number of patents granted in China is growing exponentially. In 2007, China granted nearly 68,000 patents. In 2016, that number grew to more than 404,000, a nearly 500% increase over a 10-year period.
Because Chinese patents are a critical source of information, we’ve introduced a new authoritative data source to improve the quality and timeliness of our Chinese records. The data source has been in place since late December 2018 for new publications and updates, and a full reload of older records will begin soon. After this work has been completed, we will begin working on exciting data enhancements, including standardized company names.
Image courtesy of SIPO Annual Report
Bringing Google Translate to CLAIMS Direct
In today’s world, many people are accustomed to using apps that can translate signs in other languages by simply aiming their camera. While this is a great tool for vacationers, a vastly more sophisticated tool is needed for legal documents such as patents.
That's why we're changing the source of our full-text English machine translations to Google Translate. Based on neural network technology, Google Translate offers an exceptional level of accuracy. It brings us the most precise translations for the 48 languages found in our patent database, giving you the most reliable machine translations available on the market today.
IFI Patent Data Available through the WPI Test Collection
A subset of IFI patent data is now available for research purposes in conjunction with the World Patent Information (WPI) journal. The collection supports the mission of WPI, which is to publish insights into intellectual property information retrieval along with patent analytics methods.
This free collection is designed to foster good scientific practice, such as transparency and repeatability of experiments.
Learn what's included
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