IFI CLAIMS Patent Services Newsletter – Volume 4, Fall 2012

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IFI Claims Patent Services
  Newsletter – Volume 4, Fall 2012  
Custom Reporting  |  Product News  |  Featured Partner - Surechem  |  Highlights from our Blog

Custom Reporting

IFI CLAIMS provides Custom Reports to clients around the world. Starting with our comprehensive global patent database, we deliver exactly the data you need, exactly how you want to see it. Our data is


  • Simple & extended patent families
  • Bibliographic & Fulltext
  • Legal Status
  • Reassignments
  • Classification updates


  • Standardized Assignees
  • Probable Assignees
  • Expanded Titles
  • IFI Vocabularies
  • Customized metadata



  • Easily linked to external data sources
  • Flexible formatting
  • Enterprise-ready API


IFI CLAIMS data analysts can quickly extract and combine data to meet your exact specification. 

  • You select the records:  Whether as a list or a search criteria, our data experts will help ensure that you get the records you want.
  • You select the data fields: Standardized Assignee Names, Legal Status, Citations, Legal Status Events, full text fields – you select the fields you want in your report.
  • You select the format: Standardized XML, CSV, Excel – tell us what your preferred format is and we will provide your data in exactly that format. 

Please contact us if you have special patent data needs. 

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Product News

PITR - See our new Video Demonstration

You can now see a video demonstration of the Patent Intelligence and Technology Report (PITR) product here.  The four minute video shows how PITR is the point and click patent dashboard system. 

PITR is produced using IFI CLAIMS Classic and Standardized Assignee Databases.  PITR is updated monthly and new assignees are added once they have been granted 10 or more US patent in a calendar year.  In August we added 65 new assignees including FMR LLC, more commonly known as Fidelity Investments, IAC Search and Media Inc, formerly Ask Jeeves, and Harmonix Music Systems Inc, the creators of Rock Band and Dance Central.

If you would like more information on PITR, please contact Jennifer at jbutler@ificlaims.com.

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Featured Partner - 

SureChem has developed technology for mining chemistry from patents.  This enables a new level of robust and accurate chemical structure searching.  SureChem's advantages include:

  • Chemical structures are indexed within 24 hours of patent publication
  • Subscribers have full rights to any data they download

SureChem offers three levels of access:

  • SureChemOpen is a free service available at www.surechem.com to anyone wishing to search, view and link to patent chemistry.  It supports basic search.
  • SurechemPro (available soon) supports professional search needs, offering structure and patent data export, alerts, patent family search and chemical relevance filtering.
  • SureChemDirect provides API or data feed access to SureChem's chemical structure database and allows integration into internal workflows and databases

SureChem uses Claims Direct as its source for basic patent information and full text.  Using Claims Direct allows SureChem to focus on its core strength of mining and indexing chemical information.  

According to SureChem Director Nicko Goncharoff "Claims Direct offers us comprehensive global patent data in a clean and consistent format.  Being hosted on AWS makes it extremely easy to connect to.  IFI CLAIMS is a key strategic partner for us and we look forward to expanding our relationship with them."  

For more information on this new chemical information product, please contact sales@surechem.com.  

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Highlights from our Blog

FUJIFILM: from Films to Cosmetics - Tracking a successful case of diversification with IFI CLAIMS and KMX

Guest blogger Enric Escorsa of Iale Tecnologia compares FujiFilm and Kodak using CLAIMS Direct and KMX.  

Enric's somewhat surprising conclusion is that "Fujifilm and KODAK have been working for years in areas traditionally related to the photography industry, such as medical imaging.  But, only Fujifilm has been investing in new market opportunities such as cosmetics and the food industry."  Patent publications over the last 10 years are shown below.    

Solar Energy in China – Using IFI CLAIMS Direct to Search Chinese Patent Translations

Did you know that IFI CLAIMS provides a large amount of translated Chinese full text?  Through CLAIMS DIRECT, our subscribers have access to 7,174,772 Chinese records.  5,970,125 of these records have claims in English.  These translated documents are produced using a statistical machine translation system specifically developed for translating patents.  

To see what that means, see Larry Cady’s blog post on solar energy.  Larry compares search results for Espacenet, SIPO and Claims Direct.  He includes an example of a translated document. 

 Documents available on SIPO, Espacenet and Claims Direct


Questions? email us at info@ificlaims.com
  IFI CLAIMS Patent Services  © 2012 IFI CLAIMS Patent Services. All Rights Reserved.
P.O. Box 1148 - Madison, CT  06443, USA - T: +1 203 779 5301   F: +1 203 583 4251 - Our Privacy Policy

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